Q U A R T E R L Y R E P O R T (The same words with spaces between each letter. Some people may try to space letters apart in a word by adding spaces in between each letter, but this not only looks tacky, it’s not very friendly to VoiceOver. This can be visually appealing or save space, but tight kerning can be inaccessible to people with low vision or print disabilities. Kerning is described as loose (spaced out) or tight (squished closer together). Kerning (or character spacing) refers to the space between letters inside of a word. This means the spacing between each letter differs slightly. Fonts on a Mac are proportionally spaced. This means the space for each character is exactly the same, just as a typewriter uses monospaced type.

If you’re a braille reader, braille itself would be considered a monospaced font. This may be helpful when VoiceOver spells out a capitalized word instead of reading the word as a word. Your text will read as if it’s in whatever case you wrote it in, but be visibly changed on screen. This second method is different than the first. Close the Show Advanced Options screen with escape.From the capitalization dropdown, choose the desired case.Navigate to Show Advanced Options and activate.Capitalize: Capitalizes the first letter of each word.Useful for when someone accidentally sends you text in all caps. Make Lower Case: Makes all the letters small.Make Upper Case: Makes all the letters capitals.Highlight the words or paragraph to change.This looks very sharp in titles and headings and may help some people with low vision distinguish the letters more easily.

Acronyms and initialisms are typically in all caps.Īnother smart look is small caps where the entire word is in capital letters, but the first capital letter is slightly bigger than the others. They can also be inaccessible to those with low vision and print disabilities, so use this sparingly. This being said, all caps can look very sharp in a heading or a title as it gives your words a uniform height. This is often seen as tacky or just plain rude in school and work settings. Writing all of your body text in all caps is the visual equivalent to shouting your words at your reader. These are also called upper case letters as typesetters used to keep the capital letters in the upper case of their printing presses when text used to be set by hand. They all occupy the same height in a line of text. You can apply these to the test document available in my second guide, or use one of yours as a playground.Ĭapital letters are visually distinct from their small counterparts. In this guide, let’s tackle some more complex concepts. In my second guide, I provided a crash course in how you can quickly apply styles in your Pages documents. In my first Pages guide, I described what certain typographic elements looked like such as bold text and underlining.